Oral Surgery
Oral Surgery in Kingwood, TX
Many of the patients at Chris E. Perkins, DDS and Associates have surgical needs. Our doctors are well versed in several surgical procedures and offer a variety of surgical treatments including removal of wisdom teeth, biopsy for most diseases of the bone and soft tissue, bone grafting associated with removal of teeth and bone loss, and of course, dental implants.
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Surgical Candidates
If you are a candidate for a surgical procedure, and desire IV sedation for comfort and to reduce anxiety, it can be handled in a safe, secure and antiseptic environment with a Doctor who has been residency trained in anesthesiology.
We believe this is among the best ways to manage complex cases, with two board certified doctors carrying out the treatment. In the Kingwood area, Dr. Perkins is one of the only dentists who is able to complete cases this way. Oral surgery services we perform:

Frequently Asked Questions
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Interested in learning more about oral surgery? We are able to answer questions and concerns when patients book a consultation to learn more.
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